Getting Server List and Accounts Programmatically

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  3. Getting Server List and Accounts Programmatically

Sending the Request

To retrieve a list of all server and accounts registered to your email address or username, send an HTTPS POST to

Curl example

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data '{"username":"AAAAA","password":"BBBBB"}'

Note that HTTPS is required.

username is either:

  • One of the email addresses under which you are registered
  • One of the usernames under which you are registered

password is the password associated with username. If you have more than one username, be sure to use the correct password.

Parsing the Response

A successful response has an HTTP status code of 200. The body is a JSON array. Each element in the array has the following properties:

PropertyTypeAlways Present in Response?Description
activestring of “true” or “falseyesstringified boolean. if “true” then this account can be used. If “false”, the account is inactive and should not be used.
citystringnoCity in which this server located. Usually present in all responses but occasionally empty or property does not exist. Example: “Oslo”
countrystringyesFull name of country in which this server is located; e.g. “Norway”
country_codestringyes2-letter abbreviated country name in which this server is located; e.g. “NO” for Norway
hasPPTPstring of “true” or “falsenostringified boolean. “true” if this server supports legacy PPTP VPN connections; false otherwise or property does not exist
hostnamestringyesFQDN of the server’s DNS name. Typically of the form or or, etc.
ipaddressstringyesIPv4 address for this server
ipstringyesalias to ipaddress; IPv4 address for this server
ipsecstring of “true” or “falsenostringified boolean. “true” if this server supports IPSec VPN connections; false otherwise or property does not exist if this server does not support IPSec VPN
ovpnFilestringnoIf this property is present, then its value is an ovpn configuration including PKI certificate. If not present, the server does not support OpenVPN
passwordstringyesPassword for this account. For v3 accounts, this is a salted SHA-256 hash of the password. For v1 accounts, this is plaintext. It does not necessarily match the password which was sent in the request.
portarray of stringsyesA stringified list of ports on which the HTTP proxy server is listening; e.g. [“19222”, “43819”, “31001”]
ssl_portstringyesA stringified port on which the SSL/TLS proxy server is listening; e.g. “7891”
socks5_portstringnoA stringified port on which the SOCKS5 proxy server is listening; e.g. “22819”. If not present, this server does not support SOCKS5.
usernamestringyesUsername for this account. It does not necessarily match the username/email address which was sent in the request.

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